January 27, 2014

Prom: Part 1

It has been crazy these past few days. I’ve been out a lot. Yeah, I know. Shocking.

I’ve been scouting around the city, looking for a trusted salon and a dress shop. It’s not for me, if you’re wondering, it’s for my sister’s Prom. Luckily, we found her perfect dress—they already had her size measured and we need to go back again after 2 weeks. And I’ve already booked her salon appointment. So everything’s settled, as for now.

This is my sister’s first Prom experience and I want everything to be perfect—from head down to her feet. I never had a perfect Prom experience that’s why I’m doing all these for her.

I only had one Prom experience. Why only one? You’ll find that out later...

I remember, I wore a Chinese dress and I had my hair permed. I didn’t even wear a pair of high heels because I hated it, so I opted for flats. I had a geisha inspired make-up. Like, literally in-your-face-white-cakey-foundation make up . Also, no one, AS IN NOT ONE, asked me to dance. I was not even part of the cotillion. I was basically a miserable Wall Flower. I was just there staring at them while they’re dancing, having fun and making happy memories. I felt that night, like I was a part of a slow-motion movie. I wanted to go home so bad, but time seemed to move so slow. It was a dreadful night and I can’t believe I’m reliving it again. *facepalm* So yeah, that sums up my Prom experience. What a fond memory, right? Not.

See? Now you know why I wanted everything to be perfect for my sister. And in case, no one would ask her to dance, at least I know she have her circle of friends to dance with. They’re a fun group of friends anyways, so for sure they’re going to make it a fun experience, not only just for them, but for everyone in that room. And I’ll be taking pictures when that time comes! 

Oh, I almost forgot about the “you’ll find out later” thing. The reason why I only had one Prom experience is because they changed the time schedule for our last Prom. It was, if I’m not mistaken, 1 in the afternoon. I know, right? But there’s a bigger reason for that (I’m not involved with it, okay), and I’m not going to blog that one out. Just because.

Bye, for now! :)

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